The IK2PIH website
About me
I have always been interested in
computer science although my studies led me to deepen different
topics (electrical systems and industrial automation). I was
lucky enough to learn the first elements of programming in a
stimulating era (mid-1980s) during which home and personal
computers became popular. At that time computer owners could
easily write their own programs by themselves without having a
specific formal education, thanks to the simplicity of systems and
development tools. Since then, however, things have changed:
nowadays hardware and software are so complex that the creation of
software is a matter for specialists and, since the majority of
computer users have no interest in programming, development tools
have even been removed from most end-use systems. The
pleasure of developing simple programs in a language, C, which I
learned later and that fascinated me for its flexibility and
power, remained from those years. I also became interested in
telecommunications, obtaining the amateur radio license and
participating in various activities in the early 90s.
Starting from the second half of the 2000s, thanks to the greater
availability of second-hand TNCs, I first rediscovered the packet
radio and subsequently the APRS, combining my interest in
telecommunications with that for computer science. This site
was born from the desire to keep and share the materials I have
produced over the years.
=========== APRS ===========
An ebook about APRS performance
evalutation and possible new arrangements of the APRS network.
Italian version (downloadable pdf) - Versione italiana (pdf scaricabile):
Alohasim, an aloha protocol simulator (pure and slotted) written in C.
====== C PROGRAMMING ======
C functions to draw monochrome graphics in xbm format.
Header file for C floating point double precision matrix computation and linear algebra with examples of use.
====== OTHER SOFTWARE ======
World wide locator calculator, calculates locator given longitude and latitude and beam heading and distance between locators.
The same world wide locator calculator, written in BASIC V2 for the Commodore home computers.
A small program written in 6502 assembly language that transforms the old C64 into a CW keyer.
A program written in Tiny Basic to calculate the qth locator from the geographical coordinates for the C128 in CP/M mode.
A program written in C that calculates locator from lon/lat and vice versa using only 16-bit signed integer data types.
====== MISCELLANEOUS ======
A short description of an HF antenna system operational in the mid '90s.
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