Basic V2 Loccalc

I also developed a version of my software "Loccalc" in BASIC V2 for the Commodore home computers.  The program runs on every Commodore home computer (from the unexpanded VIC20 to the Commodore 128) without modifications.

Here is the link to the source code:  loccalc.bas

I developed and tested this software with the VICE Commodore emulator.
Here is the link to a disk image in d64 format with this program:  loccalc.d64

To load, run and use the program follow the instructions reported below.

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  • Screenshots/usage

    To load the program attach the disk image to drive 8 and type LOAD"LOCCALC",8 at the prompt.

    Loading the program with VICE emulating a C64

    Type RUN to execute the program. To calculate beam heading and distance enter "1" in the main menu, then insert your locator...

    Running the program with VICE (C64): calculating beam heading and distance (1)

    ... and the other locator.

    Running the program with VICE (C64): calculating beam heading and distance (2)

    The program calculates and prints on the screen the beam heading in decimal degrees and the distance in km and miles between the two locators.
    To go back to the main menu enter "END" instead of a locator, to continue calculations enter another locator.

    Running the program with VICE (C64): calculating beam heading and distance (3)

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    To convert longitude/latitude to a locator enter "2" in the main menu, then insert longitude and latitude in decimal degrees as shown in the following image.

    Running the program with VICE (C64): convert lon/lat to locator (1)

    The program calculates and prints on the screen the corresponding world wide locator.

    Running the program with VICE (C64): convert lon/lat to locator (2)

    The program runs also on an unexpanded VIC20 and its output is correctly displayed on the VIC20 small screen.

    Running the program with VICE (unexpanded VIC20)

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  • Bug fixes

    17/10/2021 - Fixed a bug in line 705 (checking longitude/latitude numbers)
    23/10/2021 - Fixed two bugs in lines 740 and 745 (checking the range of longitude/latitude)

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